
Unicorn Healing Meditation Collection

Unicorns bring magic into our lives. Coming from the same realm as the Angels they work on our higher consciousness and remind us of our connection to Source. Unicorns bring playfulness back into our lives, while dispelling the monsters within … those old thought forms that we carry subconsciously as negative programming through fear and later as we grow up, cynicism about life. The Unicorn Collection invites you receive very powerful healing especially in times of soul loss or where you have given your power away through difficult emotional situations in your life.

Unicorn Magic

A guided visualisation that invites you to explore the magic and alchemy in your life .. what needs transmuting from lead to gold?

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Unicorn in the Mist

An instrumental music meditation that brings the gentle healing essence of the Unicorns close to you on the earth plane. This CD can be used for humans, horses and especially children in the home – notice the magic in your life when using this CD particularly when in Mother Nature as you connect with her. See the beautiful healing orbs as they bounce into your life.

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Unicorn Enchantment

A guided visualisation that invites you into the world of the unicorns, the dimension of angels and unicorns brings deep healing and soul retrieval into your life and dispels all negativity within the aura … this is a powerful CD which takes the listener into an enchanting journey where unicorns live …. Unicorn Healing calls you today!

Listen to the track…

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